Version 5
Version 5 is the latest release of DryFire software and is supplied with all new systems.
Customers with Version 4 black dual head simulators may upgrade to version 5 via the store.
The photo below shows how to identify a Version 4 system by the "4" moulded into the camera head.

Important notes
- Version 5 will not work with single head simulators.
- Version 5 will not work with older green simulators.
Please read the Setup requirements page before placing your order for an upgrade to ensure you have everything required to install and run version 5
Backwards compatibility
The world of electronics and software changes very rapidly. Microsoft and Apple release regular updates and upgrades to their operating systems and chips that were available a few years ago are no longer manufactured.
When we release a new chargeable upgrade to DryFire software we try to ensure that customers who have purchased the previous generation can upgrade if they wish.
Unfortunately we can't go back further than this. DryFire started out working on Windows XP (and older simulators still work on Windows XP - we know this because customers have told us!) and today's Version 5 works on Windows 10 and Apple Mac - see the support page for operating system versions we support.
Many printers and other peripherals that working 5/10 years ago may no longer work on the latest operating systems - because changes made by Microsoft and Apple make it impossible! DryFire is no exception.
So, we do our best to provide backward compatibility - but we can only go back one generation.
Some Version 5 changes
- Support for Apple Macs as well as Microsoft Windows 10 PCs
- Completely new, clean, "modern" user interface
- Simplified system setup
- Simplified projection setup
- Simplified gun alignment
- New scorecard display
- New results display
- New scorecard history
- Select targets from scorecard
- Bouncy rabbits
- Following/Rafael targets
- Improved clay speed options
Version 5 optional add-ons
- Friends Pack - to add an additional 5 shooters to your system.
- Troop Pack - to add an additional 20 shooters to your system.
- Designer - to create your own targets.
- Report Generator - to provide a detailed analysis of your DryFire shooting history.
- Game - to add additional game-related simulations to DryFire.
- Competition - a replacement for the previous Squadding option.
- Rifle & Pistol - practise against static and moving targets.
- Gun Motion - analysis and display of your gun motion from "Pull" to follow-through.