For shooting grounds

Turning a visitor into a member
Potential shooters turn up on their own, with a friend, at an open day or at a corporate event.
Most of them will enjoy the experience but only a few will be converted into long-term members for the shooting ground or club.
Even if they come again, perhaps with a friend and sharing a gun, many of them become quickly disappointed at their relatively low scores - they don't feel they will ever crack it!
The key to converting vistors and retaining them as members is to show that they can build their skills, they can become competitive - and they don't have to take months to do so.
DryFire can help
Let's face it, weather conditions are not always perfect and a bunch of people trailing round the shooting ground in the pouring rain, freezing cold or driving snow is no fun!
If you have space to set up a DryFire system in your club house it can really help:
- to demonstrate gun and range safety,
- to show the importance of gun mount,
- to demonstrate hold point, acquisition, swing, shoot and follow-through on a few DryFire targets,
- to give them an opportunity to have a go at a fairly straightforward DryFire target - a going away bird for example.
All of this builds confidence, it breaks through the unfamiliarity barrier (and possible fear barrier), it dramatically improves the chances of them breaking a real clay with their first few shots - and we all know what that first broken clay feels like!
Generating additional revenue
At first glance it may seem that DyFire is a threat to shooting grounds - after all, if someone can take over 100 practice targets every evening with DryFire that must mean fewer clays and cartridges at the shooting ground?
The opposite is true.
It would be nice if someone did come home from work, have tea/dinner, get in the car, drive to the shooting ground, buy 100 clays and 100 cartridges and shoot 100 targets - 7 nights a week, 52 weeks a year. It isn't going to happen! Apart from the cost, people don't have the time to do this every day.
The truth is that confident shooters shoot more.
DryFire builds confident shooters and that is reflected in:
- improved scores,
- more visits to the shooting ground at weekends etc.
- more cartridge and clay sales,
- more competition entries,
- more requests for instruction to spot faults, to learn good habits and to break through plateaus of achievement,
- more chances of upgrading kit: from a second-hand starter to a better quality gun.
- A demonstration DryFire system can help with the everyday work of a shooting ground.
- Shooters who use DryFire at home are more likely to shoot more and spend more.
- Wordcraft International offers a good margin to shooting grounds who wish to stock and sell DryFire to their members.
- Wordcraft International offers DryFire gift vouchers which may be used as prizes in club, regional and national competitions.