For shooting coaches

Everyone needs instruction
It makes us squirm when we look at TV and see someone picking up a gun for the first time - how can they get it so wrong? Has no-one shown them how to do it? Don't they know what their cheek bone and that notch in their shoulder are designed for? It is equally annoying when journalists call shotguns "firearms" or even "rifles" - and don't get us started on the confusion between pistols with revolvers!
Despite the advances in computers and artificial intelligence, there will never be a replacement for a human teacher or instructor.
DryFire is not a self-training tool
Want to play golf? Watch a few Tiger Woods YouTube videos and it's easy!
No it isn't - people need instructions from day one.
DryFire is a practice tool, it can't teach anyone how to shoot. It can show when targets are hit or missed but it can't spot bad habits or encourage the use of good ones. It can't show different techniques for general use or specific techniques for specific types of target.
Practice may make perfect - but only if taught properly!
Basic instruction and plateaus of achievement
There are three key points in a shooter's career where instruction is required:
- getting started: all the basic stuff leading to an ability to "break a few clays",
- improving technique, breaking bad habits, and learning new habits,
- overcoming plateaus of achievement - the must frustrating thing in any sport.
The first is a one off - and, unfortunately, may be the only instruction session some shooters ever pay for!
The other two are required forever - because shooters will get into bad habbits and they will suffer from plateaus of achievemment.
Every teacher knows that "doing is learning" - you don't get it from a video or a self-help book, you get it from being taught and doing it - preferably doing it lots of times.
DryFire as part of an instructor's toolkit
DryFire provides regular intensive practice.
This best instruction is modelled on the following steps:
- "this is how you do it,"
- "this is what you are doing wrong,"
- "this is what you need to practise,"
- "now go away and practise, shoot 500 targets and come back for your next session."
The last step is where DryFire helps. The pupil can shoot 500 targets at home in a week and be ready for the next session to check that the lesson has been learned and to ensure that no bad habits have crept in along the way.
- All shooters need instruction throughout their career.
- DryFire is a practice tool - not a self-teaching aid.
- DryFire should be part of every instructor's toolkit.
- Wordcraft International offers a discounted DryFire system to any qualified CPSA/BASC instructor or coach.
- Wordcraft Intenational offers discount vouchers for qualified instructors to pass on to their pupils.